⠀⠀/ ))) _
/ イ ((( \
( ノ  ̄Y\
| (\ ∧_∧ | )
ヽ ヽ`(´^ㅅ^)_/ノ/
\ | ⌒Y⌒ / /
\ヽ | ノ /
\ トー仝ーイ /
| ミ土彡 |
Hello, I am the flower FlowIK!
I'm also interested in animation (both 2D and 3D), I want to learn how to make video games and become an indie developer.
You can think I'm crazy looking at my posts, but I'll tell you one thing: I like being like this, HahH
Joined on 8/8/24
Posted by FlowIKtheFlowER - 1 month ago
⠀⠀/ ))) _
/ イ ((( \
( ノ  ̄Y\
| (\ ∧_∧ | )
ヽ ヽ`(´^ㅅ^)_/ノ/
\ | ⌒Y⌒ / /
\ヽ | ノ /
\ トー仝ーイ /
| ミ土彡 |
Funny cat!
Oops, I thought I hid this post until tomorrow... But oh well:)! Since that's how it turned out. Happy Valentine's Day!